These are some snap shots of a piece commissioned by the Peterson Investments Group. The client is an investment firm in conjunction with an architectural house. It is an image of the Shangri-La tower which they built in Vancouver. As it is the tallest building on the skyline, they wanted a piece of contemporary art for their lobby which encompassed the scope of their project but was also artwork beyond a just rendering of a building. I was lucky enough to be given free reign, which is a blessing and a curse at the same time. I was allowed onto the site to gather artifacts from the construction itself (which included a trip to the unfinished and exposed 62nd floor) and other elements such as diagrams and blue prints. It took approximately six months to come to this conclusion but by the time it was finished I was quite happy. There were several permutations and at one point there was so much going on in terms of architecture and decoration and red paint that any image was lost. I had never experienced having to paint over and steadily rework something that had taken so long. I eventually simplified everything and gave the image some breathing room. The building and the elements on the bottom portion are on raised panels, so the image is multileveled beyond just collage, it is the first time I did that and will not be the last.

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